Tuesday, 18 August 2015

True Feminism & Killing The Unicorn ~ A Guest Post

Here at the NSRCG Project we aim to bring you real stories faced by real women.

Today we have privilege of featuring the amazing blogger & YA author K.R. Conway! And she's going to talk to us about killing unicorns, glass ceilings, and the meaning of true feminism.

Kill the Unicorn

~ A guest post by K.R. Conway ~

I grew up next to the ocean on Cape Cod, wedged between the downtown district of Hyannis to the West, and the crime-ridden neighborhood of forgotten souls to the East.

My street was the place of flickering street lights, spaced far enough apart that the houses in between could fall into pockets of shadows as dense and dark as the licorice sold by the candy shop on Main Street. Fords would race Hondas, bumper to bumper down our long stretch of asphalt, while drugs were whispered about behind pulled curtains. Interracial couples were seen as normal, and slang was its own unique language.   

My neighborhood was a bullseye for all the isms that society could cast our way. racism, classism, and yes – sexism. The kicker was, I don’t think we realized our strip of road fell into the categories that branded us. We were proud that we were a mixed race neighborhood and that our aching, blue-collared fingers brought in paychecks. And as for sexism? The girls could kick your ass just as well as the boys.   

In my neighborhood, I had more guy friends than girl friends. It could have been luck of the draw, for the guys did out number the gals. Or it could’ve been the way I was raised – in a house that demanded I work hard, play hard, and never become pinned by society’s vision of what a “girl” should be.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

NSRCG Bookclub ~ Empowering Reads

The NSRCG Bookclub is bringing you great empowering reads each week!

Looking for a book that will not only hold your interest, but will help you in your everyday life? Well look no further! Here at the NSRCG Project, we're bringing you a selection of reads that are guaranteed to help you with your self-image, self-love, and in becoming a stronger female - ready to face the world.

So without further ado, here are this week's picks! 

Friday, 14 August 2015

Women In The Workplace ~ A Guest Post

Here at the NSRCG Project we aim to bring you real stories faced by real women.

And today we have the lovely blogger Lunaty from The ReadingNook NZ here to talk to us about women in the workplace and the issues they face. 

Women In The Workplace

~ A guest post by Lunaty ~

We are all aware of the fact that there is a stereotypical divide between wages amongst jobs or your career path (if your lucky enough to be in one). It is a well known fact that ‘we’ as woman tend to earn a little less. However, just as gay marriage has become more of normality, our society is slowly coming around to pulling this rift together. 

Perhaps some sectors might even sport the opposite to be true (nursing, hairdressing, or what about early childhood educators). So how come I still have friends struggling to land that high position or that are working themselves flat without the reward they are aiming for? 

There seems to be one issue that regardless of equality in pay will still remain and it may have to do with this:

When a woman speaks up in the meeting room or on the job, they are easier dismissed or considered intrusive then when her male counterpart does so. The stereo typical assumption that woman should be the quite spectator, not make a fuss and let the men lead instead.