Here at the NSRCG Project we aim to bring you real stories faced by real women.
Today we have privilege of featuring the amazing blogger & YA author K.R. Conway! And she's going to talk to us about killing unicorns, glass ceilings, and the meaning of true feminism.
Kill the Unicorn
~ A guest post by K.R. Conway ~
My street was the place of flickering street lights, spaced far enough apart that the houses in between could fall into pockets of shadows as dense and dark as the licorice sold by the candy shop on Main Street. Fords would race Hondas, bumper to bumper down our long stretch of asphalt, while drugs were whispered about behind pulled curtains. Interracial couples were seen as normal, and slang was its own unique language.
My neighborhood was a bullseye for all the isms that society could cast our way. racism, classism, and yes – sexism. The kicker was, I don’t think we realized our strip of road fell into the categories that branded us. We were proud that we were a mixed race neighborhood and that our aching, blue-collared fingers brought in paychecks. And as for sexism? The girls could kick your ass just as well as the boys.
In my neighborhood, I had more guy friends than girl friends. It could have been luck of the draw, for the guys did out number the gals. Or it could’ve been the way I was raised – in a house that demanded I work hard, play hard, and never become pinned by society’s vision of what a “girl” should be.